The Benefits of Online Therapy vs. In Person Therapy

While COVID-19 has brought online therapy to the forefront of counseling options, many people don’t realize that telehealth therapy has been around for many decades prior to the pandemic. As more people are beginning to get vaccinated and life starts to give some sense of normalcy, you may be wondering if you want to continue to meet with your therapist online or try a traditional office setting. If you are just starting to look into counseling, you may wonder which type of counseling may be best for you. Here are several benefits of traditional office-based counseling and online counseling for you to consider as you begin to try to find a therapist.

Benefits of Traditional Office-Based Therapy

Getting Out Of the House

A therapist writes on their clipboard as a client listens. This could represent meeting with an online therapist in Colorado. Contact us to learn more about online therapy in Colorado and other services.

For many of us, the walls of our houses or apartments have felt like they’re closing in more and more over the last year and a half. We yearn to be able to go somewhere else and get a change of environment. Going to meet with a therapist in an office does allow for you to get out of your living space and have a change of scenery. If your home is a very stressful, or even unsafe place, having the opportunity to meet in a separate space with a therapist may be helpful for you. 


Depending upon your comfort level with technology, you may find it easier to connect with your therapist in person rather than through a screen. Not every therapist is great at connecting with clients through technology, so if you find it a challenge yourself, you may want to seek out an in-office therapy appointment. 

Unique Types of Therapy

Some types of therapy may require you to go to an in-person appointment. There’s a variety of therapeutic techniques that are easier to experience when you are in the same room as your therapist. While there are many therapists who are even doing EMDR with online therapy, you may want to seek out an in-person counselor if you desire a more hands-on experience with the technique. 

No Technical Issues

When you meet with a therapist in person, you don’t have to worry about technology impacting your session. If you live in an area where you don’t have good Internet service, meeting online could be very challenging for you. You may find it easier to meet in a traditional office so that you don’t have to worry about any hiccups with technology. 

Benefits of Online Therapy


A woman smiles as she types on a laptop. This could symbolize the comfort of online therapy in Colorado. Contact an online therapist in Colorado to learn more.

Meeting with a therapist online can make it so much more accessible and offer a level of convenience for counseling since you don’t have to worry about driving to an appointment. You don’t have to factor in additional time to drive to and from your appointment as you can meet with the therapist from the convenience of your home, your office, on your lunch break, or when the kids are napping. 

Online Therapist Options

Choosing to find an online therapist can open up so many additional options for therapists for you versus if you were to only search for an office-based therapist. You may be looking for a therapist near you who specializes in postpartum anxiety and depression, but the closest one could be across the state from you. With online therapy, you can easily work with that therapist via telehealth, which opens up access to a therapist you would never be able to see if you were only willing to work with a provider in-office.


As a working mom, it can be really hard to find the time to schedule an appointment for yourself. Online therapy can offer convenience for your schedule that traditional office appointments can’t. You may be able to meet right after your workday is over but wouldn’t be able to get to an appointment on time if you had to drive there. Being able to simply open your smart phone, tablet, or computer and meet with your therapist from the convenience of your car or bedroom can make it so much easier to schedule and keep your therapy appointment.


A man smiles as he types on his laptop in his living room. Online therapy in Colorado can offer support from home. Contact an online therapist in Colorado to learn more about online anxiety therapy and more!

While there have been glimpses of a resumption to pre-pandemic life, the threat of COVID-19, especially with the new delta variant, is still very real. Meeting with an online therapist eliminates any risk of contracting or spreading the virus to your therapist or anyone in your household. The risk of COVID-19 doesn’t have to be one of your worries when it comes to making sure you are taking care of your mental health by meeting with an online counselor.  

Begin Online Therapy in Colorado

With the last few years, many have had to adapt to the changing world in many ways. That is why I've started providing support with online therapy. I offer a variety of services for the residents of Colorado, Hawaii, and Louisiana. To start our therapy journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation by phone or video

  2. Learn more about me

  3. Start addressing the issues that matter to you!

Online Therapy Services Provided By Ashley Comegys, LCSW

I provide a variety of therapy services to women living in Louisiana, Hawaii, and Colorado. These mental health services offered include online postpartum anxiety and online postpartum depression treatment, online depression treatment, online grief counseling for women, and online trauma treatment for women. I also offer online therapy for military spouses, online individual counseling for women, and online postpartum support.