The Benefits of Online Therapy for Women Living in Rural Louisiana

A smiling Black woman with earbuds listens to something on her laptop at a busy coffee shop. This could represent the wide variety of locations one could start online therapy in Louisiana. We offer similar support with online therapy in Colorado, Lo…

Starting Online Therapy in Louisiana can provide the support you deserve

Choosing to reach out to a therapist can be a really hard thing to do. When you’re at the point of seeking counseling, it’s often when you are not feeling your best. You may be experiencing anxiety after having a brand new baby, deep sadness after the loss of a friend, or a sense of emptiness due to ongoing life transitions and changes. Taking the step to reach out to a therapist and say, “I need help” is an amazing first step toward caring for your mental and emotional health. But, when you live in a small town, such as Slidell, LA, it can be hard to find the mental health support you are looking for in your area. Online therapy is an amazing option for women with anxiety in Slidell, LA. 

Here are three reasons why online therapy is a great option for women with anxiety living in rural Louisiana.

Online Therapy in Louisiana Provides More Choices of Therapists

A mother appears tired as she breastfeeds her baby while sitting on a sofa with large pillows. This could represent the emotional troubles that stem from postpartum depression. We offer online therapy for women with anxiety. Contact an online therap…

Many times, the number of therapists and counselors in small towns is minimal. There may only be a handful of providers to choose from, which really limits your options. However, online therapy expands your options far beyond your own zip code. Therapists who are licensed in Louisiana can work with clients online from anywhere in the state. Maybe you are looking for a therapist in Houma, LA who specializes in postpartum anxiety and depression, but no one in your area has experience with that kind of counseling. 

In seeking out online therapy, you may find a counselor who works with women with postpartum mental health struggles who is located in New Orleans, yet you live in Houma. You don’t have to be bound by the borders of your town. You can choose from a much wider variety of counselors than simply the few who may be located in your town.

Online Therapy in Louisiana Makes therapy So Accessible

A smiling woman types on her laptop which rests on a stack of boxes. This could represent someone meeting with the same online therapist in Louisiana after moving to a new home. We offer online therapy in Louisiana, Colorado, and Hawaii. Contact us …

 If you are a military spouse living in Belle Chase, LA, you may struggle with feeling isolated after the move to a new base. Talking with a therapist who accepts Humana Military Tricare East can really help you to work through the depression you may be experiencing, but you may end up driving 45 minutes or an hour to see a therapist who provides the kind of counseling you need and accepts your Tricare insurance. By working with a therapist online, you can see a provider who accepts your insurance and specializes in supporting women with depression, without having to spend hours in the car simply getting to and from your appointment. Online therapy allows you to get the emotional and mental health support you need while still being in the comfort of your own home in Belle Chase.

Online Therapy in Louisiana Provides Privacy When You Live in a Small Town

 When you live in a small town like Pineville, LA, it is not uncommon to know most of the people there. Your first-grade teacher may have gone to school with your aunt and is now your kid’s teacher. Everyone is two degrees of separation away from knowing each other. This can make it uncomfortable to seek out therapy services if you’re concerned that your therapist knows your family or your history simply by association. While your therapist or counselor is bound by limits of confidentiality, you may still feel a bit unsettled about working with a provider who knows your family. Online therapy expands your therapist options to the entire state, which means that you can see a counselor located completely across the state without worrying that they know things about you simply from living in your town. 

Begin Online Therapy in Louisiana

You deserve mental health services no matter where you live in Louisiana. I would love to support you in your mental health journey. If you would like to start online therapy in Louisiana, Colorado, or Hawaii, follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute consult via phone or video

  2. Learn more about me and how I offer support

  3. Begin your therapy journey from the comfort of home!

Online Therapy Services Provided By Ashley Comegys, LCSW

I provide a variety of online therapy services to women living in Louisiana, Hawaii, and Colorado. I specialize in providing online therapy for women with anxiety. But, I also offer a variety of other mental health services online including online individual counseling for women, online postpartum anxiety and online postpartum depression treatment, online postpartum support, online depression treatment, online grief counseling for women, online therapy for military spouses, and online trauma treatment for women.

Please note, due to the laws that regulate my license as an LCSW, I am only able to provide online mental health services to residents of the states of Louisiana, Hawaii, and Colorado.