Postpartum Anxiety and Pandemic Worries

Giving birth is anxiety-producing and so is a pandemic, so when you put the two together, it’s a recipe for postpartum anxiety. On top of worrying about all the things that come with being a new mom or adding to your family, you now have to worry about being exposed to COVID, socially distancing, and the complexities of introducing or not introducing your infant to your loved ones.

One of the most common concerns I have heard pregnant mothers express is the fear of uncertainty surrounding their baby’s birth and their impending hospital stay. They wonder about things like will they have to wear a mask while they’re in active labor? Will their spouse be able to come and go to take care of their other children? What happens if they test positive for COVID, will they be isolated from their newborn, will their newborn test positive too? 

The postpartum period is stressful and so is the pandemic, this has left many women feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

New mother holds her sleeping infant and experiences fear and uncertainty. She is dealing with postpartum anxiety, curious about the symptoms of postpartum depression in colorado and gets postpartum anxiety treatment and postpartum support in Louisi…

Giving birth and having a new baby is anxiety-producing, especially when you don’t know what to expect. Often these fears don’t go away when you get home. I remember a nurse telling me as I left the hospital that many women cry when they get home and that it’s normal and to be expected. And boy was she right. That’s when it truly hits you that you’re being entrusted with a little life and the weight of that responsibility comes crashing down on your shoulders. You’re likely thinking “what am I supposed to do now?!”

Then, the sleepless days and sleepless nights leave you exhausted. Plus, you have to cope with the extreme anxiety of parenting a newborn. Asking yourself questions like “Are they breathing?” “Is this normal?” “Did they eat enough?” “Should I be doing more tummy time?” 

Add on all the fear and anxiety you may feel regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic, and you may feel like you’re drowning in worry and stress. Perhaps, you’re struggling to cope with the uncertainty of the situation or you’re paralyzed by fear of possible exposure and being separated from your baby. Whatever your particular fears may be, they make you feel terrible and are keeping you from enjoying motherhood to the fullest extent. 

Is it Typical Motherhood Stress or Postpartum Anxiety?

If this stress is consuming your thoughts and making life feel miserable, then it’s possible you may be suffering from postpartum anxiety. Common symptoms of postpartum anxiety include:

A young mother holds her baby son and looks anxious after researching the symptoms of postpartum depression in colorado. She is suffering from postpartum anxiety and depression and gets online therapy for women in Louisiana and postpartum support fr…
  • Constant, excessive anxiety often about your own health or your baby’s health

  • Constant or nearly constant stress and worry

  • Excessive worry about your baby’s health and safety

  • Paranoia 

  • Irritability, agitation, or feelings of rage

  • Restlessness or feeling like you’re on edge and unable to sit still

  • Poor concentration

  • Extreme fatigue 

  • Struggling to fall asleep even though you’re very tired

  • Changes in appetite: stress eating or not eating much at all

  • Abnormal muscle tension (not related to giving birth or having a C-Section), racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, digestive issues. 

If you’re a Mama struggling with postpartum anxiety, know that postpartum support is available. 

Perhaps, you’ve tried to brush these worries off. After all, you just had a baby, you’re sleep-deprived, feeling poorly, and living through a global pandemic. Anyone would feel stressed. And, while this is true, it does not mean you have to suffer without support. 

Postpartum anxiety is common. In fact, around 10% of moms experience postpartum anxiety and it greatly impacts their day to day life. Even if you’ve been able to cope with your stress and anxiety before, you may find that it’s different now. But you don’t have to struggle and live with the constant weight of anxiety on your chest. Talking to a therapist who is trained in providing postpartum support and postpartum anxiety treatment can really help. 

You can get postpartum anxiety treatment from the comfort of your home at a time that works for you.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most therapists are offering online therapy options, so you don’t even have to leave your home or change out of your pajamas. And, you can keep you’re newborn with you without worrying about possible COVID exposure. 

If you live in Louisiana, Colorado, or Hawaii, I would love to speak with you about my online therapy services. I specialize in helping women with anxiety live fulfilling lives and am trained to provide postpartum support and postpartum anxiety treatment. I am also a Mama myself so I understand the unique struggles you’re experiencing as you’re navigating motherhood during a pandemic. 

Begin Online Therapy in Louisiana, Colorado, or Hawaii for Postpartum Anxiety:

Young mother holds her baby while participating in an online therapy session in Louisiana with online therapist Ashley Clark Comegys who specializes in helping women with anxiety. She provides postpartum support and online postpartum anxiety treatme…

If you suspect you’re suffering from postpartum anxiety, don’t wait until it gets really bad to seek help from your medical provider and a therapist. I offer postpartum support and postpartum depression and anxiety treatment to help mothers find relief and happiness in their role. To begin online therapy in Louisiana, online therapy in Colorado, or online therapy in Hawaii, follow these steps:

  1. Schedule your free, 15-minute consultation via phone or video call

  2. Learn more about the ways I can help you in therapy

  3. Begin the journey to finding relief from your anxiety so you can enjoy your life again!

Online Mental Health Services Offered By Ashley Comegys, LCSW

In addition to therapy for postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, I provide a variety of online mental health services to residents of Louisiana, Colorado, and Hawaii. These include individual counseling for women, anxiety counseling, depression treatment, counseling for mothers, counseling for military spouses, and counseling for women who have survived trauma.

*Please note, as a licensed social worker, I am only able to see clients who are physically located in Hawaii, Louisiana, and Colorado.